If AOL was the cocaine of the internet during the nineties…MYSPACE is definitely the net’s CRACK. Business Week writes..
While I myself have become intrigued by MYSPACE’s networking capacity and ability to cross-pollinate ideas and people..the community has been corrupted by the same garbage that proliferates the net. Pervs, Predators, Pornographers, Hustlers, Pimps, Whores and scumbags all inter mingle with 14 to 40 year olds. Maybe thats good for Murdochs bottom line…but it will leave a blight on society if it continues to go the way of the gutter…..oh wait..MTV networks has that shit on LOCK!
Where did all the hackers go..and what community will spring up to trump MYSPACE’s claim to being the IN place????
and…since we are thinking about it…Is Murdoch going to put us in little pods with internet terminals embedded in our asses so we can get milked for every ounce of mojo in our bodies…MATRIX style???