Archive For July 30, 2007
Grow pot and wreck helicopters. GRAND PRAIRIE – After the biggest pot bust on Texas record, Grand Prairie police say they are seeing a new trend, an increase in the demand for marijuana. Over the weekend, police seized $5 million worth of marijuana on the Grand Prairie-Dallas city line. The DEA found more than 10,000…
While in Twin Lakes this past January…we met some fantastic people that really inspired us. Not only are the people on the other side of Independence Pass a little crazy(its as cold as Cheney’s blood)….but they have a pretty damn good sense of right and wrong. Please click the link below to hear about the…
Found an interesting new site that mentions several cases regarding police and judicial corruption in Florida. Generation Why was established in June of 1999 to bring attention to police corruption and complicity in South Florida…most notably in St Lucie County and Palm Beach County. Seems others have stepped up to the plate and…
Lohan is dumb…young and full of numbing drugs and empty hugs…..what an idiot… but Limbaugh…. His moronic slide into oxy hell…well…