Archive For October 28, 2005
Even though you got to smoke it NOW…pot still doesnt promote cancer like tobacco. Duh. NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Although both marijuana and tobacco smoke are packed with cancer-causing chemicals, other qualities of marijuana seem to keep it from promoting lung cancer, according to a new report. The difference rests in the often opposing…
My mother has been playing stelling in Jamaica for a lonnnngggg time. Apparently she was making jew-elle ry.. Ladies step right up. I have an entire catalog to shoot. Use contact thru site and type at Linda.
A chemical found in cannabis can act like an antidepressant, researchers have found. A team from Canada’s University of Saskatchewan suggest the compound causes nerve cells to regenerate. The Journal of Clinical Investigation study showed rats given a cannabinoid were less anxious and less depressed. It appears that the drug caused neurons to regenerate in…