Archive For March 30, 2005
the Army needs a few good gamers to catch bullets, pull triggers and Kill BAD guys. ok…is this generation that gullible that they need simulation play before they sign up for the real deal? I believe in our military, the doctrine which protects us from Harm, but when we have to put out a dish…
Yep, Another sub has been found in Columbia..this time a fiberglass one built to carry, ferry 10 tons of coke to offshore smuggling vessels.
Man…we as a collective are one stupid fucking herd. The Office of National Drug Control policy actually thinks putting out phony baloney news pieces that they create, are gonna turn young people away from a drug riddled life. “> DARE tried that on your parents and look where you are…reading about illegal drugs and how…
ready set go for all who know how much an elbow brings in downtown somewhere remember when you smoked out that newbie and got a friend for life best buds wear my shirts(yes you) and the karma multiplies with every sighting the more you wear no matter where you get merit brownie points for propagating…
Im a sucker for watching media spin. Its kinda like watching a border collie work a 5pack of sheep. This Poll says Bush, That one says Kerry…and damn if NADER dont keep showing up to scare the dogs AND the herd. If youre paying attention(not taxes) THATS good..mkay? If every other noise coming out of…
Sometime shit gets funny..and then Rob Van Winkle shows up..and cranks up the acid factor….apparently his buddies forgot to check on his livestock before they ate their oxycontins and locked up one of his houses in St Lucie County. oh yeah..he lost his goat too animal abuse charges on the way..expect to see…
The Supreme Court is pondering state mj rights vs. federal drug laws and wondering if they let CALI get jiggy whether the world will crumble or stumble towards a Perfect UNION. I say we go PU..let the EU ask for a CLUE If WE the people can actually accept responsibility for our own futures…investors will…