“fuck dat shit”…Troops spit da real..

Too much jibber jabbering these days in the media…not enough of DA real.

I would adopt these guys…seriously…(they remind me of some friends I have you are serving and have served..)

Peace is an inevitable…but i think its gonna take us alot longer to get there as long as Bush commits our most valuable resources to the other side of the world with no righteous mission other than to fight back hate.

War will not stop the hate.

Bush cannot fix what he has broke.

Up to a few devil dogs to show us the way…ooorah.

Bring em back…rethink America…then we can go ahead with a better plan.

NO more bullet catchers…win the hearts of the oppressed..triumph over your enemy by taking away his tools..poverty, despair, and hopelessness.

Bring back our mission…America’s mission…to uplift the world with our “dreamy” concepts…

Negotiate peace thru superior intelligence and compassion.

or fend off begging afghan orphans all day……………………

eh hmm…fuck DAT