Ann Coulter gets her number called..


    It’s not over for Coulter

By Jose Lambiet

Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

When it comes to GOP twig Ann Coulter and her Palm Beach voting snafu, the fat lady has yet to sing.

While most expected the conservative pundit to be off the hook for good when the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office punted a voting fraud probe in April, the Florida Elections Commission now is investigating.

Coulter, a constitutional lawyer, voted in the wrong precinct in a Palm Beach town election in February 2006 after registering at an address that wasn’t hers.

The Coulter voting saga is now known as FEC Case No. 07-211. The investigator assigned, Tallahassee’s Margie Wade, wouldn’t confirm she caught the case; FEC complaints are supposed to be confidential.

According to FEC rules, Wade has subpoena powers and could force Coulter to sing.
